Morti 1791, 1853-1944. Cresinme 1748, 1749, 1753, 1757. - Battesimi 1729-1818, 1786-1797. Matrimoni 1596-1663, 1671-1675, 1678-1877. 4.3/5 Excellent! Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Sebastiano (Diminniti) Parish Records: Battesimi 1615-1667, 1705-1764, 1803-1838, 1855-1952. Morti 1709-1818. that it present us and that it declare of to give to this baby the first name of ____________. where there living at.Please Reply. He is the only part of my Italian family that I have not found more information on. (If your goal is to claim your Italian Dual Citizenship in Reggio Calabria follow this link). 27 Aug 1889. Ben Vanrijswijk, Podargoni: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1738-1772, Matrimoni 1738-1865. Stato dell Anime 1760. Stato delle Anime 1696-1717. Matrioni 1674-1819. Ben Vanrijswijk, Gallico : Indexed Records - Nati 1784-1808. This set the stage for the eventual unification with the rest of Italy in 1861, when the Kingdom of Naples was brought into the union by Giuseppe Garibaldi. Cresime 1784-1825. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Giuseppe: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1747-1788, Cresime 1719-1736. - Battesimi 1674-1771. Hello. Matrimoni 1775-1929. Cresime 1686. - Battesimi 1596-1914. Morti 1832-1938. Morti 1866-1875. Matrimoni 1738-1811. Writing for Civil Registration Certificates, 1. Morti 1595-1618, 1641-1696, 1702-1824, 1855-1877, 1879-1908. Ben Vanrijswijk, S. Nicola del Pozzo: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1611-1791. Matrimoni 1914-1940. Ben Vanrijswijk, Indexed Civil Records: Matrimoni 1810-1865. Matrimoni 1807-1857. Morti 1602-1675, 1679-1800. I am planning a trip there in feb/march and would love to know which offices to go to when I get there.. Morti 1629-1646, 1648-1687, 1698-1741, 1747-1820, 1828-1868, 1878-1904. Any information would be so greatly appreciated. Search for the parents marriage record. Morti 1611-1638, 1654-1673, 1677-1686, 1697-1744, 1782-1790. I am searching for mai family in Italy. I am researching my ggrandfather Antonio Romeo. Looking for any info. Matrimoni 1592-1641, 1648-1701, 1725-1824. Morti 1741-1777, 1802-1819. Format for address for local office: use this address as a guide, replacing the information in parentheses: After you have determined what office has jurisdiction over the records you need, write a brief request to the proper office. Matrimoni 1731-1813, 1786-1797. Many thanks, Maria. I am looking for information on my grandfather and his family. Matrimoni 1617-1667, 1688-1729, 1731-1746, 1827-1942. there are several large Ielasi families here and I am attempting to join-the-dots (ambitious I know)! Matrimoni 1784-1808. Ben Vanrijswijk, S. Caterina Parish Records: Battesimi 1797-1804, 1807-1849, 1852-1908. Matrimoni 1738-1788. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, Indexed Records - Battesimi 1744-1819. Matrimoni 1878-1945. I have Mastella family in San Giovanni di Ceppaloni. They later lived in Marsala and Mazzara. Cresime 1702-1771. Angilletta-Fuda - Births recorded in Reggio Calabria. Municipalities provided the state archives with copies of their original civil registration during the years 1809-1865. Cresime 1748, 1757, 1792-1800. Matrimoni 1617-1746. Morti 1784-1945. Indexes of Notary Serafini Costantino years 1667-1670 Manoppello [PE] Sant'Eusanio & Casentino, early 1500's. Sulmona 1579: Burghitto | Borgo of Sant'Agata | Borgo of Santa . He left his wife Anna Brescia and children Julia, Domenico and Maria in Gallina, Calabria. - Battesimi 1777-1824. Cresime 1792. He said his birthday was august 15th The feast of the assumption. Angilletta-Fuda - Births recorded in Reggio Calabria. Matrimoni 1693-1703, 1795-1840. Morti 1638-1675, 1706-1820. : Battesimi 1762-1920. Matrimoni 1926-1929. Morti 1809-1865. Thank you. Antonimina Genealogy Resources - Il Circolo Antoniminesi. Cresime 1617, 1629, 1636, 1646, 1665. Her married name was Theresa Logano. - Battesimi 1591-1627. Hi, I am looking for the parents of my grandfather Giovanni Mastella who was born in San Giovanni, Italy. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, Maria SS. Your email address will not be published. This is also necessary for more recent records. Morti 1738-1820. Matrimoni 1597-1716. Morti 1741-1777, 1802-1819. Morti 1673-1948. Ben Vanrijswijk, State Civil: Indexed Records - Matrimoni 1809-1858. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am interested in knowing more about my family who are from San Martino, Reggio calabria in Italy, My GGG Domenica Mammoliti, I am not sure who she married she had 2 husbands, and too, and I have I would like to know about her mother and father too ??? 1941 give or take a couple years. My great grandfather Louis Bottino came over from Reggio Calabria in 1913. Cresime 1603-1675, 1747-1757. Morti 1621-1673, 1675-1697, 1705-1778. : Matrimoni 1809-1865. Indexed Births 1866-1899, Marriages 1866-1910. Morti 1635-1668, 1675-1733, 1743-1756, 1759-1787, 1792-1917. Morti 1709-1818. Matrimoni 1777-1820. Processetti 1824-1865. Salvatore (Saline Joniche) Parish Records: Battesimi 1878-1905, 1908-1946. Most of the Comuni of the present province of Crotone also belonged to this Province. Matrimoni 1632-1700, 1748-1840. Matrimoni 1858-1877, 1879-1929. Stato delle Anime 1877. Ben Vanrijswijk, Indexed Civil Records: Matrimoni 1811-1865. Stato di Famiglia 1741. In the meantime, some of them might be available at a FamilySearch Center near you. Apice Phone Listings Searh the Apice, Provincia di Benevento, Italy phone listings. Matrimoni 1870-1935. He would sometimes record information about his parishioners and the tax in church censuses (stato delle anime or status animarum). Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Giuseppe (Villa San Giuseppe) Parish Records: Battesimi 1835-1903, 1907-1922. Dear Italian Side Team, Of course, in some cases you will find only church records online for a locality, which are therefore more accessible than writing for civil registration. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Maria d'Itria (Rosali) Parish Records: Battesimi 1622-1663, 1868, 1883, 1914-1959. Matrimoni 1689-1799. Morti 1750-1911. Any insight would be great. It was attached to her birth act. Matrimoni 1679-1722, 1724-1759, 1792-1849, 1858-1901, 1904-1922, 1929-1949. - Battesimi 1697-1819. Digital Online and Microfilm Church Records in the FamilySearch Catalog, 2. Ben Vanrijswijk, S. Elia Profeta Parish Records: Battesimi 1743-1900. Morti 1810-1865. Word has it that all Ielasis are related and all descendants stem back to 2 brothers. Ben Vanrijswijk, Arcipretale S. Nicola: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1765-1782. Matrimoni 1851-1852, 1855-1939. I believe he was born in 1881 and emigrated to the US in 1904. Morti 1750-1819. Matrimoni 1832-1865. Italy, Reggio Calabria, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1784-1943 FamilySearch RecordsImagesFamily TreeGenealogiesCatalogBooksWiki Cite This Collection "Italia, Reggio Calabria, Stato Civile (Archivio di Stato), 1784-1943." Database with images. State dell Anime 1696-1698, 1703-1708, 1710-1717. Morti 1784-1858. Morti 1693-1820. Our expert in Reggio Calabria area will study your request and will reply to you with a plan and a quote for your family research. Matrimoni 1810-1865. Morti 1810-1865. Giacomo Arcidiaco e Lionet Munaro, Dittereale: Matrimoni 1618-1839. They are useful to search in Calabria and of course in Reggio Calabria too! Matrimoni 1635-1674, 1707-1771, 1792-1818. Matrimoni 1697-1785. - Battesimi 1655-1672, 1800-1818. Morti 1638-1675, 1706-1731, 1752-1764, 1803-1805, 1807-1820, 1832-1833, 1837, 1840-1879. In the meantime, some of them might be available at a FamilySearch Center near you. I am looking to obtain birth information on my greatgrandmother born in Reggio Calabria. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, Maria SS. Morti 1713-1878. Stato delle Anime 1929. Pietro e Paolo Parish Records: Battesimi 1609-1610, 1612-1621, 1670-1704, 1714-1728, 1808-1906, 1908-1915. Website Il Circolo Calabrese, S. Nicola di Bari Parish Records: Battesimi 1816-1865, 1868-1924. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, Indexed Records - Battesimi 1657-1675, 1703-1724, 1750-1795. Ben Vanrijswijk, San Gregorio: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1750-1822. - Battesimi 1655-1677, 1750-1819. In 1991 Catanzaro Province was split into 3 provinces and Vibo Valentia and Crotone Provinces were born. Morti 1762-1808. - Battesimi 1631-1639, 1666-1694, 1737-1775, 1781-1822. Matrimoni 1617-1746. Morti 1612-1786. Hops (Humulus lupulus L.) constitute a species that grows spontaneously in the region of Calabria (South Italy), but the species' morphological and genetic characterization have not yet been explored. Matrimoni 1605-1820. - Battesimi 1609-1675, 1725-1748, 1766-1785. Civil Records in Oppido Mamertina In towns and villages of Calabria and in Reggio Calabria province registry offices were established in 1809: it means that you could find your ancestors records in Oppido Mamertina town hall archives as of that date. Matrimoni 1750-1858, 1864-1940. He immigrated to Brazil around 1880 1933. Ben Vanrijswijk, SS. Morti 1809-1865. Cresime 1617-1746. Matrimoni 1635-1674, 1707-1771, 1792-1818. Battesimi, Matrimoni, e Morti 1839-1865, 1870-1878. Food and Wine Cresime 1595-1606 & 1801. Matrimoni 1638-1776. Morti 1636-1743, 1746-1819. Matrimoni 1738-1811, 1819-1929. S. Maria della Vittoria Parish Records: Battesimi 1699-1707, 1751-1773, 1801-1803, 1807-1956. Immacolata Parish Records: Battesimi 1602-1618, 1630, 1642-1645, 1655-1656, 1662-1726, 1728-1874, 1879-1939. Matrimoni 1777-1929. Cresime 1719, 1728, 1734, 1776. Matrimoni 17736-1774, 1856-1929. Morti 1789-1929. I am looking for any information I can gather about his family and any still living relatives. Ben Vanrijswijk, Orti Inferiore: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1642-1685, 1689-1798. Morti 1750-1817, 1819-1839, 1878-1908, 1911-1943. Currently, they are being digitized, and plans are to complete that project by 2020. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Demetrio (Mosorrofa) Parish Records: Battesimi 1777-1923. Ben Vanrijswijk, S. Nicola de Puteo Parish Records: Battesimi 1611-1662, 1665--1742, 1744-1791. Her mother: Maria Giuseppa Gentil Our Blog. - Battesimi 1684-1703, 1783-1819. He lived his whole adult life in maple hts ohio. del Soccorso: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1609-1675, 1725-1748, 1766-1785. Matrimoni 1596-1663, 1671-1818. Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S.M. Morti 1595-1647, 1678-1697, 1701-1817, 1926-1955. Stato di Famiglia 1877. My great grandmother was Lucia. State dell Anime 1801-1804, Matrimoni 1809-1865, Morti 1809-1865. On the left side of this page you can see an actual birth act of my great aunt from Montalto Uffugo in Cosenza, Calabria. Ben Vanrijswijk. Italy Heritage Genealogy Records in the Province of Reggio Calabria The Province was included in the Kingdom of Naples, as the Province of "Calabria UIteriore Prima", and was subdivided into the following Districts: Reggio, Gerace e Palmi, established in 1806. 17 Jun 1891 Torre di Ruggiero, Catanzaro, Calabria, Italy. Ben Vanrijswijk, Amendolea - San Carlo: Stato dell Anime 1803. Matrimoni 1735-1934. Morti 1789-1820. Info Area: 3,183 km Catasto Onciario 1748. : Battesimi 1798-1820. Morti 1811-1865. You do not have to be fluent in Italian to read your documents. Birth date, parents, etc. Matrimoni 1910-1930. Matrimoni 1687-1799, 1834-1863, 1875-1929. I am looking for my fathers family. Thus, we explored some morphological traits related to cones of wild hops from three Calabrian sites: Cosenza (CS), Catanzaro (CZ), and Vibo Valentia (VV). Matrimoni 1619-1675, 1717-1728. Ardore, Reggio Calabria. He came to the United States in 1902 at the age of 21. I have been researching for 14 years and have gotten no where. The year ____, the day __ of ____ month to hours _____ and minutes __ in the Town Hall . Morti 1838-1878. Morti 1792-1826, 1860-1902, 1933-1976. My grandfather (Giuseppes father was Francesco Guzzi. This is a very large volume of data so it will be released in 26 seperate parts, in no particular order. Their a Italian last name was Stellatano, I believe, and was changed to Stellone. He was born 26 Sep 1883 and his birth was registered in Gallina. Ardore - Hosts Civil Records for Ardore of Birth, Marriages and . Matrimoni 1632-1666, 1670-1700, 1748-1878, 1929-1963. delle Grazia: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1607-1710. If you have any information relating to the Ielasis, I would love to hear from you. His name was joesph myer stated his italian surname was Muraro. They immigrated to the United States but have family in Reggio Calabria. Annunziata (Pellegrina): Battesimi 1878-1923. Matrimoni 1589-1781. Cresime 1719-1739. Matrimoni 1616-1674, 1725-1746, 1765-1828. My great grandparents were Giuseppe Maria Romeo (1879-1964) and Maria Rosa Romeo (1885-1948). Murat controlled the kingdom until the return of the Bourbons in 1815. Francesco Frank Daniele was born on June 17, 1891, in Torre di Ruggiero, Catanzaro, Italy, to Maria Grazia Caterina Pirroncello, age 22, and Domenico Nicolo Daniele, age 30.
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