Ha ganado la discusin o no? God has heard the outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah presumably from those who have suffered at the hands of the residents of those cities perhaps also from those who have not been victimized but were offended by the immorality that they witnessed there. With a wonderful mixed metaphor, our passage captures the dynamics of Christian discipleship. These words righteousness and justice, which God charged Abraham with doing, are important to our text. Captulo 13 relata que Abram y Lot llegaron a ser lo suficientemente ricos y que por eso la tierra no poda darles para que habitasen juntos (13:6), entonces, acordaron en separarse. This gets expressed in pithy expressions that warn against putting God in a box or forgetting the distinction between the Creator and the creatures. As the three visitors depart, he accompanies them on their way. Seguramente esto no es lo que Abraham esperaba or. Dios cre todas las cosas por medio de l, y nada fue creado sin l. 24-25). Y desde aquel momento el discpulo la recibi en su casa. En seguida de la promesa hecha a Abraham y Sara del nacimiento de un hijo, narra el autor la continuacin del viaje de los tres peregrinos que haban llegado a donde estaba Abraham, en el encinar de Mambr. Il serait prt, Dieu, l'exaucer si l'on trouvait 50, 45, 40. Ce pourrait-tre, au premier abord, une raction d'indiffrence ou de rejet, suivant les circonstances. 8 Sucedi que por la maana estaba agitado su espritu, y envi e hizo llamar a todos los magos de Egipto, y a todos sus sabios; y les cont Faran sus sueos, mas no haba quien los pudiese interpretar a Faran. Ahora Abraham duda que haya treinta justos en Sodoma. In fact, Genesis 19 is not included in the Revised Common Lectionary, nor is Ezekiel 16, where verse 49 details Sodoms sin as arrogance, an abundance of food and ease without care of the poor and needy. Y apartronse de all los varones, y fueron hacia Sodoma: mas Abraham estaba an delante de Jehov (v. 22). Nos recuerda de una ocasin anterior cuando Y vio Jehov que la malicia de los hombres era mucha en la tierra, y que todo designio de los pensamientos del corazn de ellos era de continuo solamente el mal (6:5). 21 junio, 2017. Cruzar Dios esa lnea y llevar a cabo la injusticia de destruir los cincuenta justos? What if ten are found there?, He said, I will not destroy it for the tens sake.. Los dos ngeles visitan Sodoma, y Lot les muestra hospitalidad (vv. 33 Y Jehov se fue, luego que acab de hablar a Abraham; y Abraham volvi a su lugar." Qu divertido es baarse en la lluvia! In this fascinating back-and-forth between Abraham and the Lord, Abraham urges the Lord toward mercy, fulfilling the purpose of the covenant.4. Los hombres que estaban con Abraham se despidieron de l y se encaminaron hacia Sodoma. La paciencia es una virtud. Uno de ellos, identificado en el texto como Jehov (18:13), repiti la promesa anterior que Sara tendr un hijo (18:10), de la que Sara se ri (18:12). In war, some collateral damage might be inevitable wars, after all, are fought by fallible humans but God is not fallible and ought to hew to a higher standard. 31Y dijo: He aqu ahora que he emprendido el hablar mi Seor: quiz se hallarn all veinte. 28What if there will lack five of the fifty righteous? Now Abraham doubts that there are twenty righteous people in Sodom. Disregard of the poor and the orphan. Nos podemos imaginar lo que Jehov est a punto de hacer. Will you consume and not spare the place for the fifty righteous who are in it?(v. 24). Then he respectfully submits another possibility this time lowering the number by another ten. Reflexiones Cristianas para Pensar y Meditar. Por tanto, dejar el hombre a su padre y a su madre, y se unir a su mujer, y sern una sola carne". 1 Despus le apareci Jehov en el encinar de Mamre, estando l sentado a la puerta de su tienda en el calor del da. to read Gods internal dialogue, but as God muses about Abraham, God explains that Abraham has been chosen (literally, known) so that his descendants will keep Gods way to do justice and righteousness (18:19). It does not express certainty. If so, that would call into question Gods omniscience. 1. What is it that the people of Sodom have done? Cada reflexin nos ayudar a meditar sobre el valor de la vida, la familia, la amistad, el perdn, la fidelidad, el compromiso, la . Ainsi Abraham ne prierait pas pour Sodome, si les Sodomites n'taient pas soumis au mal . We experience God at work in our own world and in our own lives. El juez de toda la tierra, no ha de hacer lo que es justo? (v. 25). Dios no castiga al justo con el pecador, como pensaba Abrahn, sino que hace perecer o salva a cada uno segn su conducta. THE CONTEXT Chapter 13 reports that Abram and Lot became sufficiently affluent that "the land was not able to bear them, that they might live together" (13:6), so they agreed to separate. 1. God so easily granted Abrahams point in verse 26 that Abraham realizes that there are probably fewer than fifty righteous people in Sodom how many fewer Abraham cant guess but God knows and Abraham knows that God knows. He overthrew those cities, all the plain, all the inhabitants of the cities, and that which grew on the ground (vv. Quel rapport entretenons-nous, notre tour, avec le monde qui nous entoure, sans aller trs loin, avec ceux et celles les plus proches, nos voisins, nos relations de travail. Este versculo no dice: "El Seor sigui su camino cuando Abraham acab de hablarle". First of all, let us consider that Abraham and his offspring were set apart by God to intercede on behalf of the nations. Preaching and teaching from the prophets is already difficult. Puede ver lo que va a pasar. l saba que el Juez de toda la tierra hara lo justo. Podramos decir que es el punto de inflexin de su vida. Gnesis 2:18-24. The Lord asked, Will I hide from Abraham what I do, since Abraham has surely become a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth will be blessed in him? (18:17 18). This is surely not what Abraham expected. The World English Bible is based on the American Standard Version (ASV) of the Bible, the Biblia Hebraica Stutgartensa Old Testament, and the Greek Majority Text New Testament. Hamilton, Victor P., The New International Commentary on the Old Testament: The Book of Genesis, Chapters 18-50 (Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1995), Mathews, Kenneth A., The New American Commentary, Genesis 11:27-50:26, Vol. Jehov ha odo el clamor contra Sodoma y Gomorra supuestamente de los que han sufrido bajo los residentes de las dos ciudades quiz tambin de aqullos que, aunque no hayan sido vctimas, se sienten ofendidos por su inmoralidad. Sin embargo, el narrador inserta una nota ominosa, Mas los hombres de Sodoma eran malos y pecadores para con Jehov en gran manera (13:13). Will God cross that line and commit the injustice of destroying fifty righteous people? 17 Entonces le entregaron el libro del profeta Isaas y, abriendo el libro, encontr el lugar donde estaba escrito: 18 El Espritu del Seor est sobre m, por lo cual me ha ungido para evangelizar a los p. Viernes Santo Evangelio 19,25 Estaban junto a la cruz de Jess su madre y la hermana de su madre, Mara de Cleofs, y Mara Magdalena. 1b (Broadman & Holman Publishers, 2005), Roop, Eugene F., Believers Church Bible Commentaries: Genesis (Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1987), Towner, W. Sibley, Westminster Bible Companion: Genesis (Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2001), Tucker, Gene M., in Craddock, Fred B.; Hayes, John H.; Holladay, Carl R.; Tucker, Gene M., Preaching Through the Christian Year, C (Valley Forge: Trinity Press International, 1994), Von Rad, Gerhard, The Old Testament Library: Genesis, (Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1972), Wenham, Gordon J., Word Biblical Commentary: Genesis 16-50 (Dallas: Word Books, 1994), Copyright 2006, 2010, Richard Niell Donovan, All Rights Reserved | 1997-2023 Richard Niell Donovan. La pregunta de Abraham precede la entrega de la ley, que dir, no matars al inocente y justo; porque yo no justificar al impo (xodo 23:7). Because the outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is great and their sin is very grave, I will go down to see whether they have done altogether according to the outcry which has come to me; and if not, I will know. (v.20-21) At this point the other two visitors, i.e., the two angels / messengers of Yhwh,3 depart for Sodom. He aqu ahora que he emprendido el hablar mi Seor: quiz se hallarn all veinte (v. 31). 12-14). C'est tout le problme de la solidarit, cette solidarit qui engendre la Prire. First, Abraham acknowledges that he is speaking to the Lord and that he knows his place. Si Abraham prie comme il le fait, c'est grce son intimit avec Dieu. Or, does God know that there are less than ten righteous in the city, and merely go along with Abrahams attempt at bargaining for some other reason? One of them, identified by the text as the Lord (18:13), reiterated the earlier promise that Sarah would have a son (18:10), at which Sarah laughed (18:12). 33Y fuse Jehov, luego que acab de hablar Abraham: y Abraham se volvi su lugar. Me interesa la Biblia y el dilogo cultural con jvenes universitarios. The men of the city try to do violence to Lot, but Lots two guests strike Sodoms men blind (v. 11). b. Pacientemente esper a Jehov; y se inclin a m y oy mi clamor. La reflexin del padre Adalberto. Abraham drew near, and said, Will you consume the righteous with the wicked? Ms especficamente, recuerda quien es en relacin con el Seor. Abraham se da cuenta de que (1) est acabando con la paciencia del Seor y (2) que no est logrando nada, pero an siente la necesidad de intentar una vez ms, bajando el nmero por otros diez. Acaso destruirs por cinco toda la ciudad? C'est ici que ce rcit nous concerne et nous interpelle en particulier; et qu'il nous pose quelques questions essentielles relatives notre prochain. 02 Abraham leva les yeux, et il vit trois hommes qui se tenaient debout prs de lui. In verse 24, Abraham repeats that, and then in verse 25 he uses another exclamation, halilah, often translated as far be it, or never. These minor words of Abraham point to the way that Abraham understands God to operate within a certain framework, that God would surely not destroy righteous or refuse to forgive. What if ten are found there? (v. 32a). But the repetition of the particle, abur, for the sake of, affirms that God is a God who acts for the sake of, on behalf of others. Nous croyons en lui, le juste. Abraham asks, Will you indeed sweep away the righteous with the wicked? (v.23b), Now, one might interpret Abrahams question as being unconcerned about the fate of the wicked. Inhospitality. The Lord decides that enough is enough and goes his way. 12-14). Pero Abraham ahora no est tan seguro de si mismo como antes. Quiz hay cincuenta justos dentro de la ciudad: destruirs tambin y no perdonars al lugar por cincuenta justos que estn dentro de l? (v. 24). Es que el juez de toda la tierra no va a hacer justicia? If so, that would suggest that Abrahams conversation with God has no effect whatsoever on God, and God is less than honest in how God speaks to him. What if there are thirty found there? He said, I will not do it, if I find thirty there., 31He said, See now, I have taken it on myself to speak to the Lord. Lejos de ti el hacer tal, que hagas morir al justo con el impo y que sea el justo tratado como el impo; nunca tal hagas. Of course the narrative continues into Genesis 19, wherein it does not turn out so well for Sodom and Gomorrah.5 Gods judgment rains down upon Sodom. Yo te ruego que te apartes de m. Si existen personas justas en Sodoma y Gomorra, puede Dios justificar imponerles el mismo castigo a ellos que a los malos? 2 Levant los ojos y vio a tres hombres de pie frente a l. Et pour illustrer son propos, il leur raconte une parabole : Celle d'un homme qui reoit en pleine nuit, un visiteur qu'il n'attendait pas et pour lequel, devant son insistance et son obstination, il est oblig d'aller en pleine nuit chercher du pain chez son voisin : Jsus nous apprend ainsi ce qu'est la prire d'intercession. However, Lots action reflects the requirement in that culture for a host to protect his guests at all costs. 2 Rev. Luke, more than any other evangelist, demonstrates the importance of prayer in Jesus life and ministry (3:21, 5:16, 6:12, 9:18, 9:28, 10:21-22, 11:1, 22:41-4, 23:46). El libro del Gnesis se divide en dos grandes partes. No lo har si hallare all treinta (v. 30). Lot does everything that he can to protect the two men, even offering his two virgin daughters for the mens pleasure (v. 8) an idea that we can barely imagine. 29 Todava volvi a hablarle Abrahn diciendo: No se enfade mi Seor si sigo hablando; quiz se encuentren all treinta. 3 Y aunque repartiera todos mis bienes, y entregara mi cuerpo para dejarme quemar, si no tengo caridad, de nada me aprovechara. Will God really do such a thing? The tension ought not be erased, lest Gods justice be undermined. Another example of the tension between certainty and mystery is in Gods own word, if, repeated in verse 26 (if I find fifty), verse 28 (if I find forty-five) and verse 30 (if I find thirty).2Could it be that God genuinely does not know how many righteous people are in the city? Washing the feet is customary in those hot climates, where only sandals are worn. Su gran anhelo lo llevo a tomar un camino equivocado para conseguirlo. The Hebrew interrogative with the particle haap can either be translated as indeed, or really, either one suggesting that Abraham is incredulous at this possibility. TEXTO CITADO DE LAS SAGRADAS ESCRITURAS procede de Spanish Reina Valera, situada enhttp://www.ccel.org/ccel/bible/esrv.html. Y una vez ms las Escrituras nos llevan al inicio con Adn y Eva para . We experience God at work in our own world and in our own lives. 24 Quiz haya cincuenta justos dentro de la ciudad; la vas a destruir?, no la perdonars en atencin a los cincuenta justos que haya dentro de ella? Presenta el dilema tico y lo especifica. Oikonoma. The ASV, which is also in the public domain due to expired copyrights, was a very good translation, but included many archaic words (hast, shineth, etc. Abraham has surely heard reports about those cities and may well have known people who were victimized there. Still, one of the benefits of the lectionary selection beginning with verse 20 is how it illustrates that prayer can start with Gods words, and not only need to begin with human initiative. May that be far from you. DESCENDER AHORA, Y VER 20Entonces Jehov le dijo: Por cuanto el clamor (hebreo: za'aqa) de Sodoma y Gomorra se aumenta ms y ms, y el pecado de ellos se ha agravado en extremo, 21Descender ahora, y ver si han consumado su obra segn el clamor que (hebreo: se'aqa) ha venido hasta m; y si no, saberlo he. 30 ) other two visitors, i.e., the two angels / messengers of Yhwh,3 depart Sodom! Righteous with the wicked of Christian discipleship will lack five of the city try to do violence to,! Particulier ; et qu'il nous pose quelques questions essentielles relatives notre prochain a punto de hacer el de! Aqu ahora que he emprendido el hablar mi Seor: quiz se encuentren all (! Perdonars al lugar por cincuenta justos que estn dentro de l, nada. 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